Water Safety Tips

a photo of a child enjoying a pool

Swimming is a great. Everyone enjoys an afternoon of splashing around the pool. Unfortunately, swimming is dangerous if you aren’t prepared. In the United States, a person will drown every 10 minutes. One out of five is a child. It is the 2nd leading cause of death for kids aged 5 to 14.

  1. Don’t Swim Alone – a public pool has a lifeguard for a reason. Use a buddy system when swimming for children and adults. Tell your child to always swim with a friend and/or sibling if the parent isn’t physically at the pool with them. This assures you that there is always someone available to report when and if things go wrong
  2. Supervise Children in the Pool – When a child is in the pool, be alert. Even parents of older children should stay close and have eyes on their children. Strong swimmers need supervision too. Pool tricks can offer bring injury while trying tricks, flips, and dives. Remember, put your phone away and just hang out when you are at the pool. If other adults are nearby take turns watching the pool so everyone gets a chance to relax.
  3. Don’t Jump into the Pool to Save Others – If you or a child sees someone struggling to keep their head above the water, you may want to jump in and help. But doing this could lead to both people drowning. The recommended method is “REACH” “THROW” “DON’T GO”. Use a long object to reach to a struggling swimming, throw a flotation device and don’t put yourself at risk. a photo of children enjoying a pool
  4. Enter the Water Feet First – Severe injuries often occur when children jump or dive headfirst into shallow water. There is a proper way of entering and exiting a pool. There is also a proper way to jump and dive into deep ends, so teach them. If you don’t have a pool that allows diving, be sure to educate your swimmers.
  5. Avoid Mixing Alcohol & Pools – Talk to your teens and older children about alcohol. It can impair judgement, coordination, balance, and judgement. It also lowers your body temperature. Adults and parents should also use caution when supervising their children in the pool. You may not be able to function well in the event of an pool emergency.
  6. Learn CPR – Follow these tips and stay safe in your pool. But accidents do happen. Be able to react and respond appropriately when they do. Know life saving techniques including CPR for children and adults. Knowing these things can be the difference between life and death.

Click here for more pool safety tips!